Freepik Team Building Trip to the Mountains

Here, at Freepik, we love Team Buildings, in fact, we have them twice or three times a year. Check out our past adventures at the Sierra Nevada or the Annual Summer Party! This time we didn’t have the mission to save Vectoria but to got to know each other better while relaxing and having fun, and for that, there was no better place than Cazorla. 

Cazorla is a beautiful city located in the northeast of Andalucia, in the province of Jaen, the city itself is surrounded by mountains, rivers, and forest. The day started really early in the morning. We had to leave at dawn to arrive there early to make the most of the weekend. A quick stop on the way to have breakfast and on our way to Cazorla.

Once there, and after a great meal, we had the chance to discover the beautiful town of Cazorla. Thanks to our great guide, we learned all the secrets of this historical place. We visited the most important spots and walked up a hill to visit La Yedra Castle.

Castle visit

Right after the afternoon tour, it was time to jump on the bus again to hit our final destination. As we were in the middle of nowhere the road wasn’t the best, so it was a bumpy ride. However, some of us were lucky enough to get some sleep or to observe groups of deers. Cool, right?

We spent Saturday walking around the village, enjoying the sun and tasting some local food. On Sunday morning, we went for a hike to the Sierra de Cazorla Natural Park. There we discovered the beginning of the Borosa river hike. Beautiful landscapes across the route, including rock formations, and a rich variety of flora and fauna.

Team building photo

After the 3 hours walk in the Park, we were hungry enough to eat up the whole picnic meal in no time. A bit exhausted but sad to leave too, we had to head back home! Team Building doesn’t last forever —we wish! We had an incredible time in Cazorla, special thanks to the organizers, and our great team, 85 people in total, we’re sure we will beat this number next time. Stay tuned to know what will be our next adventure.